Choosing exceptional coffee, shouldn’t be a struggle. We wanted to simplify this process, by creating premium roasts that inspire your mornings, accelerate your days, and relax your evenings
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Coffee Club
“How it works!”
1. Calculate your coffee needs
2. Pickup your favorite roast
3. Free shipping, delivered to your door!
It takes 70 coffee beans to make 1 cup of coffee.
Try our coffee calculator, and learn how much coffee you'll need to stock up!
Select cup size
Enter number of cup coffee, you drink per day.
Select Order Frequency
Your consumption is 21 cups (168 oz).
We recommend you order
2 Bag(s) (0 oz) 
Based on 0 Days
“A yawn is a silent scream for coffee.”
Hand Crafted
Hand Crafted
Artisan care, less mass production. Craft coffee is the craftsmanship behind each cup. Artisans who take special care through each step of the creative process, from bean selection at the point of origin, to roasting methods. OKBF coffee is Small Batch Artisan Roasted.Exotic Farm Location
Exotic Farm Location
Think of coffee beans the way people think of wine grapes. Just like wine, coffee tastes different depending on where it is grown, the vineyard or coffee farm it’s from, and the season. Just like wine, coffee comes from a living plant that can expire, so choosing carefully selected beans makes sense. OKBF coffee is responsibly sourced from exotic farm locations.Specialty Grade Coffee
Specialty Grade Coffee
Specialty (premium, gourmet) coffee is a coffee or coffee experience recognized for its distinctive attributes, and because of these attributes, has significant extra value in the marketplace. It is a dedication to quality and care. OKBF is a specialty graded coffeeCOFFEE 101
the magical substance that turns
"leave me alone or die" into "good
morning honey!"